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All MTA and SRA services with the University are handled by UIC’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR).

Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)
refer to an agreement in which a University lab either sends or receives tangible research materials to another lab or entity.   Tangible research materials include, but are not limited to:  plasmids, antibodies, cell stocks, cultures, animal models, prototypes, chemical compounds, and equipment.   For more information about initiating an MTA, contact the Office of Research Services here:

Sponsored Research Agreements (SRA)
refer to an agreement between UIC researchers and an outside entity which is offering to fund research towards a specific goal.  Any proposal must be routed through the Office of Research Services.  More information may be found under the Sponsored Programs section of the OVCR website here: