UIC startup NETenergy wins DOE funding

Congratulations to UIC Startup NETenergy on winning $500,000 award from DOE
NETenergy, a UIC startup founded on Dr. Said Al-Hallaj's research on combined geothermal PCM systems for heating and cooling applications, was selected to receive $500,000 to work on a project to develop an air conditioner with integrated phase-change composite material. This award is supported by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF). NETenergy will be working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to complete this project and bring innovations that arise from this partnership to the commercial marketplace, for the benefit of society.
This year, over $20 million will be awarded by the DOE to support projects that will advance promising commercial energy technologies. By partnering national labs with private sector companies, innovations in energy technology will be more easily deployed to the consumer marketplace and society as a whole. The projects selected fill an identified need in the field of energy. UIC OTM is proud of our innovative and entrepreneurial faculty members who make the leap to bring their research from the university lab bench to the commercial marketplace, and ultimately to the hands of society. Please join us in celebrating Dr. Said Al-Hallaj and everyone at NETenergy.
To see a full list of award winners, please see the official announcement from the DOE's Office of Technology Transitions.
To view the official press release from UIC, please see it here on UIC today.