Chicago Biomedical Consortium (CBC)

The mission of the Chicago Biomedical Consortium is to stimulate collaboration among scientists at Northwestern University, The University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago and others to accelerate discovery that will transform biomedical research and improve the health of humankind. The CBC will:
- Stimulate research and education that bridge institutional boundaries.
- Enable collaborative and interdisciplinary research that is beyond the range of a single institution.
- Mentor and develop a strong cadre of biomedical leaders, researchers, and entrepreneurs in Chicago.
- Enhance and promote the development of the biomedical ecosystem in Chicago.
- Facilitate the development of therapeutics that will, over the long term, improve health of citizens of Chicago and beyond.
Visit the Chicago Biomedical Consortium to see a list of awards, previous winners and applications.
Accelerator Award Program
Goal: The Accelerator Award program supports translational reserach and provides university researrchers with “early commercial guidance.” These awards are to be used to support the earliest, and therefore, highest-risk stage of commercially directed research focuseed on the development of a therapeutic or an associated biomarker or diagnostic.
Level of Funding: Up to $100,000 for one year and projects that meet proposed milestones will be invited to apply for $150,000 for an additional year.
Requirements: Applicants must be tenured or tenure-track faculty or faculty with full-time clinical track appointments with research programs at one of the three CBC instiutionsl. All applicants must have their own designated laboratory space.
Catalyst Award Program
Goal: The Catalyst Award program supports new inter-institurional cutting-edge biological/biomedical projects that are high-risk/high-reward, innovative and transformative. Catalysts are one0time incentive awards and not intended to support incremental progress, obvious next steps, or NIH-ready projects.
Level of Funding: Up to $250,000 for up to 2 years of funding.
Requirements: Applicants must be tenured or tenure-track faculty with research programs at the CBC universities who will initiate a new collaborative research project. Research proposals must have Co-Principal Investigators from at least two of the CBC universities.
Past Recipients of CBC Accelerator Awards Heading link
Past Recipients of CBC Accelerator Awards
Year | Name of Awardee & Project |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
Past Recipients of CBC Catalyst Awards
Year | Name of Awardee & Project |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |