DEEP™ License

DEEP™ Licensing
DEEP™ is the property of the University of Illinois Chicago. Every organization that wishes to provide DEEP™ training and/or programming to its community/patients must be licensed by UIC.
Please contact Kateri Castillo Nelis, UIC Office of Technology Management (OTM), at for more information and to begin the licensing process. Licensing can take approx. 2 weeks to complete.
A DEEP™ License:
- The cost for community-based organizations doing a limited number of workshops per year is $600. Larger organizations should inquire with UIC’s Office of Technology Management (OTM) with their specific workshop requirements for a license cost
- Is good for five (5) years
- Is a non-exclusive license to use the University-owned rights to DEEP™ intellectual property
- Grants access to the DEEP™ training material to one individual from the licensed organization; individuals outside the organization must obtain a separate DEEP™ license in order to have access to DEEP™ materials
- DEEP™ materials are stored in a UIC system call BOX (similar to DropBox). Only one (1) person at each organization is allowed access to BOX. It is the organizations’ responsibility to download and disseminate materials once access to BOX has been granted in accordance with the license agreement (i.e. BOX links should not be shared among the staff of an organization).
DEEP™ Annual Reports Heading link
Annual Report Instructions
An annual written report is due to University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) on or before November 30th of each calendar year for every licensed organization utilizing DEEP™. Annual reports must detail the following:
Training Summary tab
- Summary of all classes taught by organization from December 1st – November 30th
- Broken down by:
- Senior Trainer train-the-trainer (ToT)
- Lead Trainer ToT
- Peer Educator ToT
- Community Workshops
- Report number of classes provided (should match the totals in the sections below)
- Report total number of graduates from the classes
- Broken down by:
- Each Workshop should provide the following information
- Location – name of location o City – city in which training took place
- State – state in which training took place
- Start Date – start date for workshop
- End Date – end date for workshop
- Language – language in which the workshop was held
- Trainer Name – the name of the trainer(s) who provided the workshop
- Number of Graduates – the total number of individuals who graduated from the workshop
Educator Information tab
- Name of the Organization
- License start date for the organization: please contact DEEP™ staff if you need this information
- License end date for the organization: please contact DEEP™ staff if you need this information
- The names of Senior Master Trainers, Senior Trainers, Lead Trainers, and Peer Educators using DEEP™
- Date trainers/educators most recently received their certification
- Certification expiration date trainers/educators most recent certification
- If a trainer/educator are active or separated from an organization (i.e. if an individual was trained/active during a reporting year they should be reported on the annual report – however if they have since left an organization, they should be listed as “separated”)
While the annual report template is available to Senior Trainers and Lead Trainers and Peer Educators, only one (1) annual report per organization is required.
Reports should be emailed to
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