NETenergy, a UIC startup founded on Dr. Said Al-Hallaj’s research on combined geothermal PCM systems for heating and cooling applications, was selected to receive $500,000 to work on a project to develop an…
The University of Illinois System’s Discovery Partners Institute is participating in startup pitch competition with DePaul, Purdue, and Michigan State at 1871 on July 31st (more info below and in the attached flyer).…
Every year during the College of Pharmacy Research Day, the Office of Technology Management presents the ‘Innovate at UIC’ Award to two posters which showcase projects that have a high potential of commercialization.
Two UIC orthopedic surgeons have launched a new company that will develop a unique cell-based therapy for the treatment of a rare but deadly form of muscular dystrophy called Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) selected NCI’s nomination of “Development of Large Scale Production, Anti-HIV Microbicide in Soya Beans” which included Drs. Boyd, Chikwamba, Currens, Gabrielsen, Maderia, McMahon, O’Kee